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  Photo Copyright Bob Bradshaw
     A Novel
    Jim Oakley

   Copyright © 1998 by Jim Oakley 
Chapter 17

Bob's voice was very gentle, "That's probably a pretty accurate description of how you see yourself right now. There's a great crack in your reality. In a sense, the very center of your being has been dismembered. To say you feel lost and horrified is an understatement.  
I've done some research since our last talk. My guess is you have PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Remember your psychologist at rehab? It's not uncommon for psychologists and other counselors to tune out details of a trauma story simply because they can't handle it. Technically it's called countertransference, meaning the ghastly horror of a situation causes a reaction in them. Their psyche will deliberately avoid the subject and blame other areas like your childhood. To shield themselves, they entrap you in the plight of the Suffering Servant which is an old religious story. As I remember, it goes something like this:   

"Yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities, and the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and  by his wounds we are healed."  
Obvious PTSD victims are created during the horrors of war, but there are many other persons who suffer from rape, ritual abuse, child abuse, cults, violence, drugs, etc. etc.  
Have you ever had the wind knocked out of you? Well, this is like having the wind knocked out of your spirit.  
You're not alone in your dilemma. What is going on inside you is normal for what you have been through.  You should be feeling what you are feeling. Now that you know what is happening to you, you may not be so totally lost. In my research I found one of those reinforcing quotations which might be of value to you. Let me read it."  He took a sheet of paper from inside his coat pocket and read:  

The Sanctuary 

There exists a category of human experiences beyond imagination more horrific than death itself; because something in those experiences seeks to destroy the human spirit and exorcise whatever is sacred.   

For those who have been there, shattered to the brink of  extinction, and have come back, their faith has been transformed into certainty. They have gained sanctuary in knowing a Holy Presence which eclipses any fear, absorbs any poison, and provides comfort nothing else could, and through this truth they are released from peril or bondage.   

 Stripped of reason, perception, and even reality, the human spirit can survive to regain a shattered self, because in every person there is that sanctuary, impenetrable except by love. It is there that you will find your spirit if it ever becomes lost even to yourself.    

As he put the quotation in Ream's hand, he said, "Ream, you're not the kind to talk easily about your experiences, but you need to tell someone about it, all about it. With someone who can hear it in full. Especially someone who has had similar devastation.  Someone you can really trust to listen to the grim terror of what you experienced, to suffer through it in extreme detail with you no matter how upset you become.   
One of the miracles of the human condition is that when pain is shared, it is easier to bear. When you share it with someone who understands, or who has had a similar experience, healing develops. Ultimately it's a kind of spiritual blessing, and you find yourself by connecting with another person.   
Then I think you will feel able to reconnect with the rest of humanity. You'll resist this idea because you expect it will tear you apart, but I hope you will think about what I am telling you."  
Ream couldn't talk the rest of the way to his cabin except for a half choked, "Thanks,  Bob."   
For  the first time since he had been blinded he knew where he was, and where the pieces of himself were scattered.   

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